We are Antibiotic Research UK, the only charity in the UK dedicated to fighting antibiotic resistance and supporting those affected by resistant infections. This is a list of the resources we have created to help people better understand antibiotic-resistant infections.

Below you'll find:

  • Resources for health professionals
  • Resources for individuals affected by resistant infections
  • Contact details for our free Patient Support Service

Resources for health professionals

We know it can be tricky to know what to say to people who have a resistant infection. It’s a complex topic, and you want to help them to understand what’s happening without overwhelming or confusing them.


Leaflets about resistance

Our leaflet ‘Talking to patients about antibiotic resistance’ (PDF) explains how to give a simple introduction. If your patient wants to know more, you can signpost them to our website - the links in the section below are a good starting place.

If a patient who does not have a resistant infection asks to know more, you can provide them with our ‘Antibiotic resistance; are you at risk?’ (PDF) leaflet. You can also share a link to Antibiotics and You: an introduction to antibiotic-resistant infections, which is a short, easy-to-understand course created by The University of Manchester.

Leaflets about specific infections and related issues

You can also share the following leaflets about specific infections and issues with patients:

You can also download a poster to display in your practice

Download A4 Poster

Download A3 Poster

Finally, we offer one-to-one support for people affected by infections. If you think a patient would benefit from this, please share our Patient Support Service leaflet (PDF) with them. It contains all of the information they need to get in touch with us. We can offer telephone and email support, as well as access to an online support group. We do not offer medical advice, but we do understand antibiotic resistance and can help provide answers to lots of the questions your patient may have.

Resources for individuals affected by resistant infections

We have a wide range of resources to help you learn more about bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance.

From our website

If you, or someone you care about, is affected by an antibiotic-resistant infection, our Patient Support Service is here to help. Reach out to us today for emotional support and information from healthcare professionals who understand what you're going through.

Find out more and get in touch

Support our work

We are dedicated to providing support to people who face that daily struggle that is living with a resistant infection. But did you know that we also invest in research? We are currently exploring a new treatment that could help to reduce the amount of antibiotics prescribed to people with travellers’ diarrhoea, and we also fund a number of Small Research Grants every year.

Please help us achieve our vision of a world free from deaths due to drug-resistant infections. You can do so by:

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